Squidman version 1.52
Squidman version 1.52

squidman version 1.52

However, these updates will be much smaller and mostly glitch fixes and other similar issues.

squidman version 1.52

This addon is by no means "Complete." By that I mean to say that there will still be updates going forward. but It does that job In what I believe is an effective and powerful way that seems simple but makes all the difference to your playthrought. Like I said its small, but it has an important role in shaping how, and why you travel the zone. It gives you a reason to travel the zone, to see it differently, and most importantly, to create a rhyme and reason to traveling that wasn’t quite there in the start of this Mod. But you may ask, “how does that effect immersion any?” Well simple, So instead I took a small part of the game “traders” and decide to adjust them massively. With that being said, how does this addon increase immersion? Well I can’t do what the Thief games do to immerse you so that wont work.

squidman version 1.52

However, the Stalker games come close, and Anomaly comes fairly close itself! These games brought me into their worlds and immersed me in ways that no other games I’ve played have been able to match. My favorite franchise of all time is the Thief franchise (With the exception of that terrible fourth game that as far as I’m concerned is not cannon or exists!). I firmly believe that the best way to get someone really into a world is through the details. It is finally here! The complete version of the Trader Overhaul! As was my goal when I set out to make this addon, I was looking to add a small, but significant advancement to the Immersion of the Zone.

Squidman version 1.52